
I have never seen nor experienced an earthquake. So, I always wonder
what an earthquake is like?
Does one feel dizzy during an earthquake?
Does one feel shaken in an earthquake?
Or does it feel like what is being shown in movies?
With shaking buildings and people running everywhere while screaming for help/.

The one day, my earth quaked.
Maybe that's how earthquake feels like?
I was sick, with chicken pox, sleeping at home,
feeling dizzy and was expecting nothing.
Then a friend texted me, "Do you know your boyfriend has been cheating on you with my friend?"
I was shaken. I replied immediately asking, "Who is that girl?"
Once I got her number, I texted her - "Have you been meeting my boyfriend?"
I was not surprised, honestly.
But I was scared and I freaked out when she replied,

"Yes, for a few months, and I feel very bad about it. You are a nice person I would not want to hurt, but I can't help it. He treats and cares for me like his wife."

"A wife?", I replied with a crack in my heart, literally a crack... and my head...

THAT IS/WAS AN EARTHQUAKE! taking place in my head/ heart/ mind/ soul.

"Yes," the conversation was not over, "he takes care of me and he is really nice."


"Still, this is wrong! It is wrong to cheat on people and it is wrong to walk into other's relationship. How could you?" I commented, I am in anger and disbelief,
She was such a pious, religious and sweet girl when I first met her.

"I knew it's wrong, but we couldn't help it. He is always feeling stressed and pressured. Please, I can't leave him," she replied.

"He is my boyfriend, even if he is stressed, he is STILL my boyfriend. You don't and shouldn't  meet people's boyfriends."

My hands were shaking, my head was about to burst.

He lives in denial, he lives in denial, that's all I knew.

I, too, maybe, will choose to live in denial soon. What is love? Hell! I don't know what love is?
Perhaps it's just like what Madam Ju said, love is just a 4 letter word.

This post has been kept in my heart for ages, I finally posted it because I guess, I have recovered from the pain... it scarred me but it doesn't scare me anymore, I guess...


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