today is ma boyfriend - JoejOE 's bday~ u guys still rmb her onot? the perfect one arr~ haha xD well~ just want to wish her BLESSED BDAY !! =) Muacksss~ wait!! WAIT!! i mean wait!! not only hers la~ got 6 ppl~ k?! hik3~ besides ma darling, another birthday gurl is ma sister!! u noe, the kandung one la~ bukan tipu punyer~ serious~ =p e PY BDAY sis!!! muackkkss too!! =) i told u there are 6 right? yea~ another one is a very c ute senior super cute one! and TALL~ muahahah xD happy birthday mr basyiek embi~ lalalla~ i just finish scolding ppl~ so kinda excited ~ ngek3~ ;) whose next? ya~ thats right~ another gurl frm my batch and unknown fren from fb~ dunno them~ but still wish them epy bday!!~ =] tomorrow ma bro's bday pulak~ this is a tipu one~ god bro only~ =p huhu~ penat~ haha xD anyway, wish him epy bday! and fast2 get a girlfren la~ since he is not goin to reAD ma blog~ giv u a kiss la~ muackkks~ ngek2~ someone's birthday coming!! awww~ =p its a secret u noe~ i said: i...