sleep~ Saturday in CAMPUS!~

sleep~ sleep~ sleep~

Lazy pig sleep till 11am today

Rachel reached my room at 8am..

Omgorsh, damn early….

But, I am still a pig…

Sleep no matter what happen..

Yesterday night, back from leisure mall,

I [lepak] with anis and jaja

Then go back to hostel,

Bath and washed all my cothes…

Then paint our block till 12.30am…

Next clean up my room till 2am…huhu^^ finally back to nice one…

Eat too much until stomachache, force myself to sleep…

But, Mr Tea went for karaoke till 3am…crazy!

Finally, pig wake up…go for lunch in café…

We called out Mr Tea for math assignment…

We talk about fb as well…ha2…we are friends…no matter what happen…

And meet Abe(KKR) & PG…then Redza and Zuhdi…

Then went back room. Now I am typing my blog…

Abuu and Abe said they are going to Amal’s open house... enjoy it!

Now, I need to clean my stuff to prepare to go home…wacha!

I am still happy about my allowance^^


Patrick said…
Hey, dun show off ur allowance la...

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