Happy Fathers' Day

Happy Fathers' Day

i am sorry lol dad...
i got nothing for u..
couldn't get anything for u..
i mean i didn't see anything for u in TS~

anyway..just want to tell u that 

let me introduce u..my dad..
he works as a building constructor..
family business passed from my grandpa..
he is a good cook..thats a fact ;p cant deny that..
he is a good buddy..not of mine =)
he is a good badminton player...so much better than me
hahah xD
whatelse ya..he is my 24 hours driver ;p
and...i am his daughter la~ lalala~

dad and mum - this pic was taken during my mum's birthday..

when they traveled to japan

happy family ^___^

heheeh =) 

Don't u think my dad is cute? ;p

treated him dinner which cost RM101~


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