new month

another new month

wondering when my salary is coming out
but what do i want to do with the money?
i can't remember...

oh well
december..not a good end for november
and end up resting at home for a day
the first day of the month

harry potter huh~ lazyyy
there must be a lot and a lot of people in the cinema
"people mountain people sea" =P
i dont wanna be sandwich

i wanna change phone right
but which one to go for?
hurm..dont know~ confused~
mayb samsung omnia 2? =]

got a very nice "ayah angkat"
wanna pay half of it
*paiseh~ how leh~ 
mummy allow meh?

headache for few days d
any better prescription compared to PANAdol?
=[ i am sick of it! its still headache when i am awake~

accidentally gave my number to a customer
*regret~ and he text-ed me~ =[
mr rm: i hope u r just joking..
i gave u my number cuz u r a customer..
not for other reason

hope everything will get better!
its DEC! allowance, will u still be coming to me this month?
<3<3 u~


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