So come on Girls, Guide!

Just came back from a camp~ 
so SO so Tired!!! feel so SO so Old!!!
hahaha xD I am 21 dy, and I went for camp with young guiders~
most of them are 13!! Form 1~
there were moments which are super awesome,
there were also moments which I thought "what am i doing here?" =P

and the awesome parts are:

1. We had great time with the guiders and children

We had some little campers following us around during the camp~
hahah xD and I really love their presence, cuz they made me laugh~
they enjoyed looking at us, when we cooked, when we ran, when we played..
and sometimes they followed :D 
like, when I was cooking the curry chicken and cabbage lemak with tempe, 
Ethan wanted to try and kept asking "Can I try? Can I stir?"
hey tasted the food i cooked, and commented "somethings missing..." 
with they super cute and serious tone and faces.
they also volunteered in helping to clean the dishes,
got me drinks when I was thirsty and busy cooking~ hOW sweet! ^_^
so thank you Ethan, Chantelle and 2 sisters of Joyce.

guiders! oh yeah! I almost forgot that I love guiding. 
I used to love guiding so much, put in so much effort...
and when I got into college...
I forgot all the skills, the passion and the feeling
Luckily, slowly  I got most of them back during the camp~
although it made me feel so old to camp with young campers..
I appreciated the experience. 

2. A talk by the Green man, Matthias Gelber

For this part, I really need to thank Michaelle, I guess. :)
We learnt a lot about go green~ 
It feels so cool to have this session.
I feel so inspired! by him and his efforts in saving the earth.
I will try my best to do something for our earth! :)
I know I cant "save" the earth, but I will do something!
If possible, we shall see you again for the tree planting program in June.

3. Michaelle, our very pretty and crazy camp com of Pulau Haba

Michaelle, i know its not easy, but good job!

Michaelle planned real fun filled and cool activities for us,
she was good and organized. I really enjoyed working under her.
and Ethan is her brother :D 
I learnt a lot from her parents too~ Uncle and Puan Elsie~
sorry, i didnt know her dad's name~
but They taught us about recycling 
and using every resources we have in daily life...go green...
for example, making solar cooker, making papers, creating cute crafts..
and motivated us... A LOT
they were funny! cool! supportive! 

If i become parent one day, I want to be like them :)
or at least a teacher like them. 

we are the girl guides, 
always looking far and wide,
so come on girls, guide!
                   Pulau Haba, 2012


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